Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Library Resources for Your Courses...

Your DC Librarians have been busy creating information resources to enhance your courses.

1.  LibGuides: Research Guides are subject and course guides created on a wide variety of topics. Explore the dozens we’ve already created, or request one for your course.

2.  Faculty Resource Guide is a special LibGuide created just for instructors, with links to dozens of PCC Library resources, such as copyright information, an image database, links to educational streaming videos, and video tutorials on locating and citing quality research resources.

3. Video Tutorials - created by PCC Librarians they are 5-min. or less, each covering a common issue faced by students or faculty when conducting research, such as finding appropriate sources, navigating databases, citing sources and more.You can link to them directly in your MyPima or D2L courses!

4.  Streaming Videos - you can link directly to our academic streaming videos! Films on Demand has hundreds of videos broken down in small segments - assign all or part. VAST is new this semester and also has streaming videos. You can search either by topic or subject. Some of the subjects are:  American History, Anthropology, Art and Art History, Biology, , , Communications, Computers and Technology, , Criminal Justice, Dance,  Education, Environmental Science, Ethnic Studies, Geography, Health, Humanities, Math, Opera, Politics and Current Affairs, Psychology, Religion and Philosophy, Science, Sociology, Theater, Women's and Gender Studies, World History, World Language and many more!

5. Gale Virtual Reference Library - contains hundreds of specialized online encyclopedias and dictionaries on the arts, business, education, environment, history, law, medicine, science and social science.

6. Oxford Reference Online - provides access to 135 Oxford reference e-books.

For more information, contact your any DC Librarian by stopping in, calling (206-7267) or email!
Joe Brewer jbrewer@pima.edu
Marianne Harris mharris12@pima.edu
Ellen Blumberg eblumberg@pima.edu
Theresa Stanley tcstanley@pima.edu

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