Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Library has Laptops to Check-Out!

In case you didn't know... the Library has laptops, netbooks and Google ChromeBooks* available for checkout!

You or your students can borrow the units for two hours anywhere on campus - not just in the library!

So if your class was to work outside, or a couple of students were headed to the learning commons or cafeteria to work, and they needed computers, stop in and borrow one.

(A Student ID is required for students. The first time one is borrowed, a user agreement needs to be signed.)

* Google ChromeBooks are made available through Pima's participation in the Google ChromeBook pilot. Each Pima library was given 20 ChromeBooks to checkout.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Library Database Trials Extended!

Due to some access issues and spring break, I’ve extended the database trials to April 15, 2011.


Please give us your feedback and let your students know about these trials

If you have trouble with any link, please let me know.

Nancy Schuler

Downtown Campus Librarian
