Here are a sampling of our new Bestsellers that have just arrived! Look for them in the front, next to our new book display.
Trauma: My Life as an Emergency Surgeon by Dr. James Cole
Seriously...I'm Kidding by Ellen Degeneres
Top Screwups Doctors Make and How to Avoid Them by Joe Graedon MS
Phil Gordon's Little Gold Book: Advanced Lessons for Mastering Poker 2.0 by Phil Gordon
The Visible Man: A Novel by Chuck Klosterman
The Walking Dead : rise of the governor by Robert Kirkman
It's So Easy and Other Lies by Duff McKagan
Trust Me I'm Dr. Ozzy by Ozzy Osbourne
Survivors by James Rawles
And Nothing But the Truthiness by Lisa Rogak
Shatner Rules by William Shatner
And don't forget about the Library Book Sale!
November 29th & 30th
10 am - 5pm in the Amethyst Room