Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall Database Trials Now Available

Fall is here which means it is time for our fall databases trials.

Database trials evaluate electronic resources for potential addition to the library collection. Trial databases are selected based on need, and by recommendations from librarians, faculty, and staff. All PCC students, faculty, staff, and librarians are invited to evaluate trial databases. Your feedback is extremely important! Trials are only available for a short time, usually 30-days unless otherwise indicated .

Go to Library Database Trials ( to get links to trials, as well as evaluation forms.

NOTE: Access to trials are only available ON-CAMPUS.

The library is currently evaluating the following databases.

Full-text Art Databases

  • Wilson Art Full-text
  • EBSCO Art and Architecture Complete
  • ProQuest Arts and Humanities Full-text

Art Image Databases

  • Wilson Art Museum Image Gallery

Other Media (Streaming video, interactive modules, e-Books)

  • Swank Digital Campus
  • A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy Online

If you would like to recommend a database for trial, please send an e-mail to

Friday, September 17, 2010

LibGuides - Custom Research Tools for Your Students!

Just in time for your students' research projects...

is a new research tool for your students. Each LibGuide is custom-made for a particular subject and if requested, we can even create one specifically for a class.

Each LibGuide has information on:
  • getting started with research
  • how to find books
  • finding articles (with the databases selected just for that subject)
  • websites and multimedia
  • and of course - citing resources
To see a sample LibGuide, go to to see one made by Nancy Schuler, for the Ant127 - Mexican American History and Culture course. To see all of our current LibGuides go to: (and don't forget, more are added throughout the semester!)

If you would like to have a LibGuide created specifically for your class - just contact any librarian at the Downtown Campus and we will get started!